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Geneva Agreement in Tamil

The Geneva Agreement in Tamil: Understanding the Historical Context and its Impact

The Geneva Agreement, also known as the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord, was a historic agreement signed between the government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) on July 29, 1987. The agreement aimed to address the ethnic conflict between the Sinhalese majority and the Tamil minority in Sri Lanka, which had been going on for decades.

The agreement was facilitated by the Indian government, led by Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, who had been concerned about the escalating conflict and its potential impact on India`s security. The key provisions of the agreement included the devolution of power to the provinces, the establishment of a merged North-Eastern Province with a degree of autonomy, and the disarmament of the LTTE.

The Geneva Agreement was a significant moment in the history of the Tamil people, who had been fighting for their rights and autonomy in Sri Lanka. The LTTE had been leading a violent separatist movement, and the agreement marked the first time that they had agreed to disarm and engage in talks with the Sri Lankan government.

However, the implementation of the agreement was fraught with difficulties. The Sri Lankan government was reluctant to cede power to the provinces, and the LTTE continued to engage in violence and terrorism. The Indian government, which had played a key role in facilitating the agreement, also faced domestic opposition to its involvement in Sri Lanka.

The failure of the Geneva Agreement led to a renewal of hostilities, and the Sri Lankan Civil War continued for another two decades, resulting in the deaths of thousands of people. The war ended in 2009, with the defeat of the LTTE and the establishment of a unitary Sri Lankan state.

The impact of the Geneva Agreement on the Tamil community in Sri Lanka is still felt today. While the agreement did not lead to a lasting solution to the ethnic conflict, it marked an important moment in the struggle for Tamil rights and autonomy. The agreement also highlighted the role of international actors, such as India, in conflict resolution and mediation.

In conclusion, the Geneva Agreement in Tamil is an important historical event that highlights the complexities of ethnic conflict and the challenges of conflict resolution. While the agreement did not lead to a lasting solution, it remains a significant moment in the history of the Tamil people and the struggle for their rights and autonomy. Understanding the historical context and impact of the agreement is crucial for anyone seeking to understand the ongoing ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka.